Stop programming – Start prompting

A little over a year ago I told my students that the best learnings are on YouTube. Today I emphasize this, the speed of transition that AI is putting our Industry in means that if you’re not learning actively, almost every day – you’ll soon find yourself out of a job.

Have you tested Lovable or Make? If not, go ahead right away to start playing around, it’s not a joke – seriously programming is becoming less of a skill – more of a toolset that anyone can play around with so you can create amazing app’s in a few days if you put your mind to it.

A favorite Youtube’r of mine have become IncomeStreamSurfers that is quite technical however not so sneeky (a lot of Youtuber’s just claim you’re going to be rich by watching) who is pushing stuff out almost daily.

So for you who aren’t into this already, go ahead and try – nothing bad can happen – best of all “everything is free to try out” so no costs involved.

Happy Prompting!!

Lennart Svanberg

AVA MC – A Turnaround Story


If you’re ever about to buy a new or used Motorcycle – you should know of the struggle that the Industry behind motorcycles has had for the past decade. Or if you’re trying to get one of your bikes repaired or getting a service – have you become aware that most of the service outlets have shut down?

I don’t own a Motorcycle, not even a bike, but I have been part of the Industry for the past 5,5 years – as a consultant. It’s good that you don’t understand what you sign up for when you start an assignment – because otherwise you maybe hadn’t started. AVA MC has been a long project and it feels like we’re just getting started.

AVA MC has been around for “ever” in the Motorcycle Industry in Sweden but hadn’t managed to get into the digital world in a good way. When I met the company in the year 2019 it had a website, some social media action, even E-commerce. But once you started looking into the details – nothing really worked.

The management of AVA had been using several consultants to help with for example getting traffic to the website. But none of the consultant had a full understanding of everything digital; ecommerce, social media, digital marketing, google my business, newsletter, logistics, payments etc. Each person helping out focused on their own speciality but no one had the full picture before I stepped into the picture.

It took me three weeks to understand that E-Commerce hadn’t really worked for three years at AVA. A “simple” update in the way their Enterprise Resource Planning system handled orders caused this. The Website used Magento for E-Commerce and the supplier of the Magento system hadn’t updated according to the ERP-system-changes. A couple of people knew about the flaw that caused the system to show products not in stock as in stock and vice versa but they didn’t care enough to fix it.

The manager of the store had just ordered a large Google Ads campaign due to another persistent consultant that I managed to stop in time. Because if the E-Commerce actually didn’t work it would just aggregate everyone’s frustration about how bad the company was in terms of digital marketing. AVA was in a bad spot, if you can’t handle transactions there’s no use in marketing.

There’s never been anything wrong with the people handling the physical, actual deliverance of great service in the AVA MC’ store – but that’s not enough these days. You need to deliver a Digital Experience of first class before you enter a store – that is everyone’s challenge.

The owner of AVA listened to my “death sentence” of how everything didn’t work with growing anxiety but he realized I was right. Previous consultants had “sold” their expertise but hadn’t taken a complete overview of the problems so I got the “thumbs up” to get started fixing everything.

How many issues are there to fix for a company to go from really bad into becoming a front runner for first place in their Industry? I’d say at least 1,000 issues. As soon as you fixed one problem, the next problem arose.

It took a year and a half to shift the E-Commerce platform, the biggest hurdle? Getting 7,000 products correctly listed including images & descriptions. Once E-commerce worked, the real fight began; to have Digital Marketing in every channel possible so that everyone’s awareness of the AVA brand could start to change.

Once AVA’s digital marketing started to kick in it also helped their sales people to better understand what kind of Motorcycle brands that actually are generating solid revenues. Once the retailer’s own digital marketing got into place, they could better understand the customers’ changing perceptions of different bikes they are interested in.

I’ll start to wrap up this story now. It has taken another four years since the fixed E-Commerce got up and running. We’ve just released another version of our website at that I’m very excited about which is the fruit of hard labor from many people involved.

As said initially, AVA’s digital story has just begun, and if you’re interested in hearing more – don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Have a Merry Christmas,

Lennart Svanberg

Think only outside the box to be employable!

An AI-generated picture of myself

A close friend recently informed me that British Intelligence Agencies exclusively seek candidates with diagnoses. This implies that individuals considered “normal” are no longer of interest. A development coming as a natural consequence of Machine Learning Intelligence or commonly known as AI.

Forget about symposiums, conferences, or scheduled creative meetings aimed at acquiring knowledge, as these traditional methods merely disseminate information from one individual to many in various formats. The key to acquiring genuine knowledge lies in engaging with individuals who generate original thoughts. Typically, these individuals do not attract attention in large groups. Therefore, it is imperative to reconsider organizational structures altogether.

For decades, societies have categorized unique individuals with diagnoses such as “ADHD,” “ADD,” or “AUTISM,” prompting them to undergo medication or therapy in an attempt to conform to societal norms. However, for societies to progress, it is crucial to recognize that only the same “branded” individuals can drive further development. If you’re not diagnosed or feel you should be, it is time to nurture your uniqueness in order to get one!

My advice to you in 2024; focus on your personal interests, aspirations, and inner thoughts to realize your true self because everything else is becoming outdated..

Facebook at IMC Vancouver

Internet Marketing Conference by LennartSvanberg.Com
Started in the year 2000 IMC gathered 5,000 people from all over the world to discuss marketing & analytics through 30 international events.

During the years 2000 to 2010 I arranged 30 international events discussing every aspect of our Industry. Let’s start revisit some of these events and speakers to see if we can learn from history. First speaker out; Facebook from the year 2009!

Join the Python Community!

Python is a fascinating language. It’s a programming language, yes, but it’s also a language that is gaining traction outside the “traditional” programming community.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending a Python meetup in Stockholm. The topics included;

  • Behind the Scenes of tox: The Journey of Rewriting a Python Tool with Over 10 Million Monthly Downloads: Jürgen Gmach
  • How to make a game if you have 8 LEDs and a joystick: Elisha Damsker (in picture)

As always hosted by the wonderful Kushal Das at Sunet, Tulegatan 11.

The beauty of this Meetup group is that it requires no previous knowledge of Python in order to get value from the meetings. Kushal is a very open minded host that manages to get us feeling very comfortable together even though everyone has different skill sets. Of course you need to be interested in IT & Programming but that’s it, all questions are considered to be good questions as long as you’re engaged in the topic at hand.

The Python community is part of the Open Source community. As such, much depends on volunteers in order for it to work. Jürgen Gmach has a day job at the company that develops Ubuntu, a Linux distribution, and committs free time to maintain the popular Tox software.

Elisha Damsker told us a great story on how to easily combine a joystick, a Raspberry Pi equivalent computer as well as 8 LED-lamps into a functioning game.

The Python community is part of the Open Source community. As such, much depends on volunteers in order for it to work. Jürgen Gmach has a day job at the company that develops Ubuntu, a Linux distribution, and commits free time to maintain the popular Tox software. 

So join a Meetup group, engage in the community, and maybe I see you there!

Kickstarta år 2024 med en kostnadsfri Analys den 2:e januari!


Nu har våra fantastiska analysstudenter i klassen DAN23S på Medieinstitutet snart gått en termin. De har lärt sig Google Analytics, Matomo, Piwik Pro, Looker, Tableau, Chat GPT, Python, Maskininlärning, Tag Management, Server Side Tagging, Analysmetoder, Javascript, CSS, HTML, Databashantering, Mätplanering och mycket mer..

Du har nu chansen att få en kostnadsfri analys genomförd av ett antal studenter från denna klass den 2:e januari. Antingen befinner du dig på plats i Alvik Strand eller så besöker du oss digitalt – oavsett erbjuds du och ditt företag en kostnadsfri analys under dagen utifrån ditt och ditt företags önskemål.

Är du/ni intresserade? Kontakta mig via alternativt via Linkedin!

Välkommen! (OBS – ett begränsat antal analyser kan göra så först till kvarn gäller)

Nästa generations analytiker börjar NU!

DAN23S – eller “Digital Analytiker år 2023 i Stockholm”

Nu börjar skolan för många och nästa generations analytiker startar också sina utbildningar. Imorgon, den 17/8 år 2023, har jag förmånen att för 7:e året, sedan 2017, få starta introduktionsutbildningen på Medieinstitutet.

Det finns fortfarande någon plats kvar så en snabb ansökan kan ge dig möjligheten att få en utbildning där 9 av 10 får jobb. Eftersom jag haft förmånen att få följa studenterna, både i Malmö och Stockholm, så vet jag hur extremt framgångsrikt programmet är. Mig veterligt har alla mina cirka 500 analys-elever fått jobb då utbildningen både är smal och bred.

Är du företagare och behöver hjälp så finns möjligheten redan i början på nästa år att få någon av studenterna som praktikanter. Tveka inte att höra av dig till mig om så är fallet så för jag frågan vidare.

Avslutningsvis vill jag rikta ett personligt TACK till min uppdragsgivare Mats Andersson som varit ett fantastiskt stöd och en inspiratör under alla dessa år.

Ja, och imorgon, skall vi faktiskt börja utbildningen med att gå i Shoppingcentret Gallerian, kan någon gissa varför?

My failures as analyst

It’s easy to fail

7 years ago I re-started my consulting career. I had a mission to help companies “choose right” when it came to IT/Web/Computers.

It’s due time to evaluate myself:

  1. I succeeded in building up a consulting company in the respect that I’ve earned enough money to pay me a decent salary.
  2. I’ve had gigs that definitely are in my industry as the primary source of revenue so that is also positive.
  3. Have I though succeeded in my main mission, to help companies “choose the right” path in decisions regarding IT/Web/Computers? In some cases Yes, in most cases the answer is No.

To give a little better understanding of my failures, I give you an example. I managed to sell my services as an analyst to a mid-sized company (550 employees). The task was to give my thoughts about the company’s online presence including its online marketing. However, it turned out that my verdict didn’t suit the company’s IT-department, so the IT-department managed to turn down my recommendations.

In those analyst cases I’ve managed to succeed its been in smaller companies when no IT-department was there to stop me.

My failure as analyst was to understand that changing a company’s IT/Web/Computer environment is like ripping apart its body & soul. A company’s IT-environment is so embedded in a company’s DNA that to radically change it – you need to replace the CTO which an analyst rarely or never manages to do.

In hindsight I was naive in my thinking back in the year 2016. However, I’m not up on my mission to help companies choose the right IT-path, but I need to do it from another angle. I think I need to offer a clear path to success in order to get bigger clients instead of analyzing their current IT-environment.

Until i have this clear path, I’ll stop giving IT-advice, so the only advice I give you today; have a great summer🌞!

Lennart Svanberg